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How to Manually Remove a Trojan Virus
Having the number one, top-rated antivirus and spyware-removal tool installed on your computer doesn't guarantee a virus free system. Many times a malicious software replicates itself even after the antivirus removal tool has dictated and removed the threat. It is usually advisable to do some research for a better antivirus tool, in case the current one is not serving the purpose.
Some of the signs to watch out for when a system is infected with malicious software are a slow computer and a slow internet connection. Frequent pop-up windows, redirection of the browser, program failure, and unavailable system functions are some of the specific things to look out for. If you know the name of the virus, it is worth doing a search on the internet to see if anyone has found an effective way to elimate the problem you are facing. If you find a solution from a reputable source, then try this first. Let's look at the two methods that could help you manually remove a Trojan virus from your computer if you cannot find good directions on how to move the specific virus.
First Method
1. Shut down the computer and reboot. As the computer is booting, repeatedly click on the F8 button and select the safe mode. The safe mode makes it easy to remove malicious software programs.
2. Scan the system with your antivirus tool. Copy the name of the malicious software.
3. Next, conduct a Window's search by clicking on the start button-> search.
4. Click on 'all files and folders' and paste the name of the file containing the Trojan virus in the box.
5. Locate the file and delete it.
Second Method
1. Back up all your files to an external storage device.
2. Restart your computer and press F8 continuously to enter safe mode.
3. Next, it is time to enter the command prompt (Start Menu ->Programs).
4. Locate the problem file.
5. Weaken the virus by substituting the name of the virus for virus_temp. You can use the "rename" command for this.
6. It is now time to remove the Trojan virus from your system so type: Del virus_temp in the command prompt to delete.
Trojan viruses usually hide in the temporary folders, drives, and partitions. Usually, viruses have a way of multiplying themselves. Therefore, removing one Trojan virus does not necessarily mean that your computer is virus free. To be sure, rescan your system again with an up-to-date antivirus tool. While free antivirus tools could be quite tempting, anyone that wishes to properly get the best of antivirus tool that money could buy should buy a full-fledge antivirus tools.
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-By Dominic
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