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Review of the RegCure Software
Regcure is considered the best registry cleaner available to date by groups responsible for rating software. It is useful in getting rid of computer registry errors, which if allowed to pile up over a long period would not only slow down computer speed, but also crash your system. This piece of software is solely in the business of repairing registry errors and so far, no other registry repair software can effectively repair registry errors like Regcure.
This registry cleaner is different from the rest. You can schedule and set it to automatically scan and fix system errors. This is nice because you do not have to bother with doing the scan manually. In addition, it will backup the registry before cleaning up detected errors. By so doing, any accidentally deleted entry can be restored. It also has a management start up feature that lets you select which computer applications are launched when you start your computer.
Since it is considered the best registry cleaner in the market, one would expect a perfect registry repair work. This was not the case with our experience with the software. In fact, after several computer scans with this software, we mistakenly deleted an important registry key! Also, in each of the scans we kept noticing the same errors popping up over and over.
Do not get me wrong, I have seen worse registry cleaners. However, one would expect a top-rated registry cleaner that enjoys the number one position to find and clean up all registry errors. At the time of purchase, we paid $29.97 for this software. You could definately spend your money on much worse software. However, we are not sure if we would recommend spending 30 dollars for this.
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-By Dominic
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