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Computer Running Slow Fix
Is your computer running slow? A slow running PC can be a very frustrating thing to deal with. There are many things that can cause a computer to run slow such as a spyware, malware, lack of free disk space, and hard drive fragmentation. A Slow PC is often caused by Registry issues. Registry problems are accumulated over time as a result of installing and uninstalling programs. These issues have a negative effect on the performance of your computer.
Below is a full list of ways to speed up a computer that is running slow. The tasks below go from highest impact tasks at the top to the lowest impact tasks at the bottom.
Fix Registry Problems
Your registry can build up unnecessary entries over time from the adding/removing of programs, hardware, and files. These unnecessary entries can cause your computer to become slower and slower over time. Unfortunately, you do not want to mess around with your registry on your own. The reason for this is that it is very easy to cause problems to your computer if you do not know what you are doing when editing the registry. Do to this, this task is one of the few tasks that we would highly recommend a 3rd party tool for. The tool we found to work the best is RegistryBooster. You can Click Here to Run a Free Scan for Registry Errors with RegistryBooster.
Remove Viruses, Spyware, and Malware
Another common reason for a slow running PC is a virus or malware. These unwanted files or programs can really hurt the performance of your PC. First, we recommend running a virus scan with the virus software you currently have installed. If the scan finds a problem, make sure you remove the problem. If your virus software is unable to remove the threat, you can also use a program called malwarebytes. Malwarebytes has a free version for personal use. We recommend starting up your computer in safe mode and scanning for malware in safe mode.
Fix Hard Drive Fragmentation
Hard Drive Fragmentation causes your hard drive to run slower and fragmentation will build over time. Run the Windows Defrag Tool to help make your hard drive run more efficiently. If you haven't done this in awhile, it is probably worth running to defragmentation tool multiple times. Here is a guide from Microsoft showing you how to defragment your hard drive.
Free Up Disk Space
A full hard drive is another clear cause of a computer running slow. We recommend that you remove old files, programs, and folders that you no longer need to help free up some disk space. You can also empty your recycle bin if you haven't done that in awhile. Last, deleting temporary files and folders is another great way to free up disk space.
Add Memory
This task is actually a high impact task. Adding memory will make your computer faster. The reason we put this under other items is that this task will cost you a little bit of money and requires you to get inside of your computer. If your computer doesn't have enough memory to run the latest programs, then your computer won't be able to keep up with the increasing demands of today's programs. We recommend adding memory if you computer is using most of its available memory. You can check this by opening up the task manager and viewing the performance tab.
Check for Outdated Drivers
Old or ancient drivers may cause a range of problems, including system crashes and slowness. This may not be the problem, but it never hurts to check. You can Check your PC for outdated drivers with this Free Driver Scan.
Clean your Computer Case
The inside of a computer tower can get dirty and dusty. This dust will bog down the fans causing the fans to move slower and the cooling equipment to not work as well as it used to. This excess heat can cause your PC to run slower or even overheat.
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-By Dominic
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