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Low Memory Error
A computer needs plenty of memory space to perform and execute actions, when it tries to run a program and there is not enough memory space, the computer freezes up and stops working. Usually, Windows always notifies users when the computer system is low on memory. It is important to take the necessary steps immediately if you noticed it.
The computer basically has two types of memory, the RAM and the virtual memory. Programs are stored on the RAM. When your system runs out of RAM and there is no more space to run a program, then some of the date is transferred to the virtual memory. Low memory always occurs when the system is low on RAM or when there is a memory leak (A memory leak is said to happen when a program refuses to free up the memory space it no longer uses).
To prevent low memory, try to run fewer programs at a time. Look out for those programs that consume more memory and avoid running them. Some programs require more memory space. To resolve computer memory problems, you would need to: number one, install additional RAM; number two, Check to see for program leak; number three, Increase virtual memory.
Memory Leak
If you notice that a program consumes more memory than expected; close the program and try to update the software. If the problem still persists, contact the publisher. It is easy to determine which program is causing the leak by taking the cursor to the taskbar and then right-click -> click on Task Manager-> Process-> click Memory to check for memory usage. Also, restarting the computer will temporarily remove all memory leak issues as all the memory will be freed when the computer shuts down and then reallocated when the computer restarts.
Install RAM
When a computer is low on RAM, the system usually slows down and programs occasionally stop responding and freeze up. First, check to see how much RAM your computer has. Before you install more RAM, check to see the information that came with your computer or contact the manufacturer.
Increase Virtual Memory
To increase your virtual memory click on the start button -> Control Panel-> System and Maintenance-> System->Advanced system settings-> On the Advanced tab-> Performance-> Settings-> Click on the Advanced tab-> Virtual memory-> Change->Click Automatically manage paging files size for all drives-> Under the Volume Label click the file that contain the page file -> Click Custom size-> Type a new size-> click set and then OK.
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-By Dominic
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