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CPU / Processor
CPU is a short name given to the words, "central processing unit". In essence, this would be the brain of the computer. Think of your GHz (the number assigned to a cpu) as an IQ of your brain. The lower that number that number is the longer it will take for things to process. Therefore, the other short name for a CPU is a processor.
The CPU is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of a computer, regardless of what you intend on doing with it. However, what you actually need is dependent on what you intend on doing with the computer itself. If you are only going to surf the internet, it is not quite as imperative to get a high-end processor as it would be if you were gaming. The latest games require a lot of resources and will work your processor to its limits a lot of time by having it process as much information as possible.
If you are out there shopping for a CPU, you will almost always find one of the two most popular brands, Intel or AMD. They both have high quality processors available. For more info, you can check out our CPU buying guide
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-By Dominic
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